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DriveOhio K-12 PD Webinar | Delivery Robots
04.23.2024 | 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
FreeDelivery robots! Electric vehicles! Are your students talking about these new transportation technologies? Join us for this FREE webinar to earn CEUs and learn how your students can explore advanced mobility career pathways by taking the DriveOhio K-12 Educator Toolkit and Portable Innovation Labs from the PAST Foundation for a test drive!
During this session, we’ll introduce free curriculum from DriveOhio and the PAST Foundation, and lead the audience through the Autonomous Delivery and Smart City Adventure activities, including coding with robots and electric vehicles.
Participants will obtain hands-on experience while developing ideas on how to use this free standards-aligned curriculum in a variety of settings including classrooms, afterschool, summer programs, and more.
We’ll also share information about alignment with Ohio Career Connections and Industry-Recognized Credentials, and we’ll discuss best practices from Ohio K-12 educators who have been using this curriculum across a variety of regions, grade bands, and school types.
Learn more at: drive.ohio.gov/toolkit and pastfoundation.org/portable-innovation-labs
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