Statewide Design Challenge

Bring STEM to any school with a design challenge

Design challenges are activities or competitions that students participate in to solve real-world problems. Through the challenge, students engage in creative problem-solving, boosting skills like collaboration and grit.

For many schools, participating in the statewide design challenge was the perfect way to begin implementing high-quality STEM education best practices.

Annual statewide challenge

Each year, the Ohio STEM Learning Network hosts a design challenge where students collaborate to create a workable solution to key issues facing our world. Any school in Ohio can participate in the challenge.

Over the course of the challenge, we provide:

  • Online resources for teachers and students
  • Professional development events to support teachers
  • Participation certificates for every student
  • Regional and state level awards each spring
“It was such a great opportunity! Thanks to everyone who plans it and sponsors the event. I am excited to participate again next year. As a teacher, I learned a lot!”
Tina M.
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About Starlab

Starlab will be a free-flying commercial space station, following the International Space Station after the current station’s retirement in 2030.

Elements from Starlab will be a key part of the George Washington Carver Science Park, the first-ever science park with assets in space as well as on the ground. Scientists and engineers in Ohio will help develop Starlab through partners including Voyager Space, Nanoracks, Airbus, Zin Technologies in Cleveland, Hilton Hotels, and other companies.

Starlab and the George Washington Carver Science Park will be anchored at Ohio State University.

Session with Starlab experts

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