Statewide Design Challenge

Bring STEM to any school with a design challenge

Design challenges are activities or competitions that students participate in to solve real-world problems. Through the challenge, students engage in creative problem-solving, boosting skills like collaboration and grit.

For many schools, participating in the statewide design challenge was the perfect way to begin implementing high-quality STEM education best practices.

Annual statewide challenge

Each year, the Ohio STEM Learning Network hosts a design challenge where students collaborate to create a workable solution to key issues facing our world. Any school in Ohio can participate in the challenge. The design challenge is the perfect starting point to begin implementing high-quality STEM education best practices in a classroom.

Over the course of the challenge, we provide:

  • Online resources for teachers and students
  • Professional development events to support teachers
  • Participation certificates for every student
  • Regional and state level awards each spring
  • In-person showcase for the state’s top 21 teams
I just wanted to say thank you and let you know how wonderful this challenge has been...I presented this challenge as an opportunity for my students to work towards the future- to envision and innovate for their future and the future of those living in space. They have and it is truly a joy to watch.
Holly Stone
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Dr. James Kenyon, Director of NASA’s Glenn Research Center, addresses the kickoff for the #OhioSustainsSpace Design Challenge. 

Former astronaut and NASA lead for Space Sustainability, Alvin Drew, Alvin  talks through the challenges of supporting long term missions in space.

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Program details


  • Any school in the state of Ohio is eligible to participate
  • Student groups consist of two to four students (see note)
  • Open to all grades, K-12 

Note: Individual students are not eligible to participate. If a full class elementary class participates in the challenge as a group, please select two to four representatives of the class to present.


  • Registration opens: Monday, Aug. 5, 2024
  • Official kickoff event: Thursday, Sept. 12, 2024
  • Virtual kickoff: Tuesday, Sept. 17, 2024
  • Design challenge registration closes: Thursday, Dec. 12, 2025
  • Entries for virtual hub and state competitions due: Monday, Jan. 13, 2025
  • State showcase: Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Q&A Sessions





Supports for schools

  • Online expert resources for teachers and students
  • Guidebook for use by teachers and students
  • Opportunities for students to interact with industry professionals
  • Professional development opportunities for teachers
  • Rubrics to evaluate student work
  • Participation certificates for every student
  • Regional and state-level awards each spring
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About Starlab

Starlab will be the first privately-owned, commercially-operated space station in low-Earth orbit to replace the ISS following its retirement in the early 2030’s.

Led by a unique trans-Atlantic joint-venture between Voyager Space Holdings and Airbus GmbH (Germany), Starlab will be a fully-functional space station in one launch housing a permanent crew of four on missions up to a year or more in duration.

As a complement to the Starlab Space Station in orbit, The Ohio State University will be the host the George Washington Carver Science Park, a first-of-its-kind university research park of up to 80 acres located at the Ohio State University airport, dedicated to commercial spaceflight research and economic development.

It will house Starlab’s US Ground Location (SGL-US) that will include a full-size, hi-fidelity model of Starlab, allowing payload development, research, operations, communications, and training activities.

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