New virtual training opportunities

Computer Science opens doors. Learning the basics will help students in every career—from agriculture to healthcare. Through the Ohio STEM Learning Network, Battelle’s presenting the workshops educators need to get started with computer science education. Battelle is’s Regional Partner for Ohio.

We understand school is a little different this year. That’s why we’ve re-organized our trainings to fit into your schedule, no matter how you’re teaching students this fall.

Below, find all the information on the workshops, dates, and how to sign up.

Computer Science Workshop for Administrators (Virtual)

Battelle and hope to expand computer science education in schools across Ohio. Our joint vision is that every student in every school has the opportunity to learn computer science. Come to these sessions to collaborate with other administrators around equity and inclusion in Computer Science, learn why all Ohio students should be learning Computer Science, and how to access’s high-quality K-12 web-based curriculum.

Computer Science Fundamentals Introduction Workshop (Virtual)

Elementary school is the ideal time for students to first engage in Computer Science. Computer science is about creativity, problem solving and persistence. This workshop will offer any K-5 educator new teaching strategies for CS. Experience the curriculum as a teacher and as a student as you share perspectives in a participant-centric workshop.

Computer Science Fundamentals Deep Dive Workshop (Virtual)

Want to dive deeper into how to teach Computer Science to your K-5 students? Join us for the Deep Dive Fundamentals workshop. This workshop is a hands-on learning experience with other like-minded teachers. You will get a chance to dig into teaching strategies that help students debug their coding. And you will learn new strategies that foster student collaboration in Computer Science.

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