Hall of Inspiration at Summit

Share inspiring classroom projects

For the first time, the Ohio STEM Learning Network presents the Hall of Inspiration. This unique exhibit will ignite innovation and foster curiosity by showcasing exceptional STEM classroom projects from across Ohio.

Participants will have the opportunity to display student work, share valuable resources, and discuss the successes and challenges of their projects. Emphasizing the significance of partnerships and workforce development, these projects will highlight how collaboration enhances both student learning and project outcomes.

Explore Ohio’s educational landscape through projects grouped by their OSLN Hub region, offering attendees a unique perspective. The Hall of Inspiration will also feature OSLN’s Regional Hubs directly, spotlighting the services each Hub provides and encouraging new connections among participants from similar regions.

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Program details

Applications close April 14, 2025


Applicants must:

  • Teach at a school in the state of Ohio
  • Show student work from a K-12 classroom

Each presenter will be provided with:

  • one easel for a 36′ x 48′ inch poster
  • one 6ft table (with a black tablecloth) for 

Designation as a STEM/STEAM school is not required.

Recipients of the Ohio STEM Learning Network STEM Classroom Grant from any year are encouraged to apply.


Poster should be 36 inches by 48 inches, portrait orientation, and sturdy enough to stand on the provided easel.

Posters should include: 

  • Name of school (located near top of poster)
  • Location of school
  • Grade level
  • Regional Hub
  • Title of Project
  • Integrated content areas
  • Photos of project or student work

Table exhibits

In addition to the poster, all selected participants will be provided with a single, six foot table with black tablecloth. This table should contain other elements of the project, including student work examples. 

Table exhibits could also include: 

  • Student learning outcomes and content standards
  • Partnerships or authentic audiences
  • Connection to STEM careers
  • QR Codes linked to professional contact information and resources

Selected presentations will receive 50% off registration to the 2025 Ohio STEM Innovation Summit

Each accepted presentation will provide that applicant with a single, non-transferable discount code for registration to the 2025 Ohio STEM Innovation Summit, reducing the cost from $89 to $45. All presenters must register.

Accepted presentations will also be invited to participate in a Hall of Innovation gallery walk, scheduled to take place between the third and fourth sessions of the 2025 Ohio STEM Innovation Summit.

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