Event Calendar

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This page features events from organizations across Ohio offering STEM focused programming. 

Events hosted by the network directly are marked with our banner. 

Summer Research Virtual Coding Camp

Summer Research Coding Camp is a virtual week-long immersive program for rising high school juniors and seniors. Students will participate in experiential hands-on activities exposing them to real-world skills such as data analysis and interpretation while exploring how economists utilize these skills in their careers. The week-long program will culminate in a presentation where students […]

STEMM Education Center at Cleveland State University & Cleveland Metropolitan Zoo STEM Conference

Normandy Elementary School (027359)

The STEMM Education Center at Cleveland State University in collaboration with the Cleveland Metropolitan Zoo would like to invite to you an exciting one-day conference!! We are excited to offer you the opportunity to engage and learn with other K-12 educators with hands-on, interactive STEM-related lessons and ideas for each of the K-4, 5-8, and 9 […]

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