Modeling The Future Challenge
Virtual EventAre you looking for a challenge that involves math and risk analysis? The Modeling the Future Challenge is a free real-world competition for high school students combining math modeling, data […]
Are you looking for a challenge that involves math and risk analysis? The Modeling the Future Challenge is a free real-world competition for high school students combining math modeling, data […]
ChickQuest, a Classroom Journey Through the Life Cycle of Chickens, is a 4-H School Enrichment Program that challenges students to use Science, Engineering, and Technology to investigate the life cycle […]
The professional development session will introduce teachers to the fundamental concepts of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its applications in education. Through this workshop, teachers will gain a solid understanding of […]
Chickenology: Explore genetics to breed the best brood G. gallus domesticus is ready for review! Take your students on a tour through the genetic history and potential future of our […]
In this virtual session, educators participating in the #STEMorbitsOhio Design Challenge this year will chat with the scientists and engineers turning StarLab from an idea into a groundbreaking space station. […]
An up-close look at the harvesting process for students as they ride along in an Ohio soybean farmer’s combine. Find out how farm ecosystems work, including how soil health, weather/water […]