Just over a week ago, we joined joined the Cleveland State University STEM Education Conference as a co-sponsor. It was a great day, with more than 200 educators gathered to learn at more than 30 sessions.
The hashtag (#clestem2019) was just as busy as the conference, so we’ve
pulled together this quick post featuring all of our favorites. Don’t miss the appearance of Cleveland’s favorite STEM-supporting meteorologist: Betsy Kling!
Lets get this party started! #cleSTEM2019 pic.twitter.com/tNcP1ixGNb
— Heather Sherman (@Hbelle88) June 12, 2019
Ready for some great STEM and #PBL sessions for the next two days! #alwayslearning #cleSTEM2019 pic.twitter.com/2b0HYpDTdX
— Dr. Richard M. Smith (@drsmith_edtech) June 12, 2019
Dr. Kate O’Hara starting is the 12th STEM Education Conference! Standing room only! @OSLN @STEMMCSU @CSUCollegeofEd #cleSTEM2019 pic.twitter.com/eRuPs5J8uP
— Debbie Jackson (@debbiekjackson) June 12, 2019
Full house at CSU STEMM Conference this morning! #cleSTEM2019 #summerlearning pic.twitter.com/cOncKvJUbU
— It's_elementary (@JoyceLPushpak) June 12, 2019
Huge thank you to @Nordson_Corp for their support for making today's #cleSTEM2019 conference possible pic.twitter.com/XmJWyw0tWW
— OSLN (@OSLN) June 12, 2019
100s of Ts showed up during their summer “vacation” to learn & grow their #stem programs in Ohio. #cleSTEM2019 pic.twitter.com/jxcqKdjJks
— Michelle Grooms (@Mlg5791) June 12, 2019
The Greenbriar team at the STEM Education conference! #cleSTEM2019 pic.twitter.com/fynL2FdPC2
— Greenbriar Middle School (@GB_Yeoman) June 12, 2019
.@OSLN Director Heather Sherman (@Hbelle88): We have 200 teachers here, on their break, learning how to serve their students better. There are more teachers gathered in Akron, in Columbus. You're part of a statewide community of learning dedicated to doing more. #cleSTEM2019 pic.twitter.com/E0Un1zZfXD
— OSLN (@OSLN) June 12, 2019
Hoping to make some STEM connections today! #cleSTEM2019
— Morgan Kolis (@morgankolis) June 12, 2019
“As a teacher you make a huge difference… you are undervalued, but make all the difference!” @FABLab_AndreaL @OSLN @STEMMCSU #cleSTEM2019 Thank you Andrea! pic.twitter.com/tDXYwp2PBL
— Debbie Jackson (@debbiekjackson) June 12, 2019
Hey @JakeMillerTech – look who was presenting this morning at CSU’s STEMM Conference! #shesarockstar. #cleSTEM2019 pic.twitter.com/NK3rvkPMNK
— It's_elementary (@JoyceLPushpak) June 12, 2019
Thank you @FABLab_AndreaL for sharing your story, excited to see how you change the world! #cleSTEM2019 https://t.co/cJsEpDNjaF
— Kelly Gaier Evans (@kellymgaier) June 12, 2019
Designation as a STEM school is about "creating a culture of collaboration… where you might not know all the answers but you're constantly improving" says @Hbelle88 as an introduction to "Leading an Excellent STEM School" #cleSTEM2019 pic.twitter.com/waEk4uen2r
— OSLN (@OSLN) June 12, 2019
Melissa Durkin @NRCSStem brings community partners in so students can apply their learning. One the best: @NRCSRangers is work with @NASA engineers on @Space_Station problems (they're the only middle School in the country!) https://t.co/wbFp7EVwyV #cleSTEM2019 pic.twitter.com/mccwt2riXk
— OSLN (@OSLN) June 12, 2019
“We just created a Self Organised Learning Environment (a SOLE) lesson plan in 5 minutes that will guide continuing learning ideas for your class.” @BGoodArtnGift @StartSOLE #cleSTEM2019 pic.twitter.com/7Rjo5n5c9e
— OSLN (@OSLN) June 12, 2019
Thank you @CSU_President and Dean Zac for welcoming our guests at lunch today! @OSLN @CSUCollegeofEd #cleSTEM2019 pic.twitter.com/4gOz8mY6oa
— Debbie Jackson (@debbiekjackson) June 12, 2019
Life long learner! Learning great things in Cleveland! @SouthdaleSTEAM @lindsayanngold @KetteringLearns #cleSTEM2019 pic.twitter.com/N6yciusGqE
— Kettering STEAM (@KetteringSTEAM) June 12, 2019
.@CSU_President thanks everyone for coming today to "prepare the next generation" Thanks to @cle_state for creating this great event. #cleSTEM2019 pic.twitter.com/cgEAaYaSSY
— OSLN (@OSLN) June 12, 2019
Congratulations to Melissa Durkin, @NRCSStem, winner of our 2019 @OSLN Excellence in STEM Leadership Award #cleSTEM2019 pic.twitter.com/K4sB08LKVb
— OSLN (@OSLN) June 12, 2019
“The mission you have is very important," @CSU_President Sands tells educators at the @OSLN STEM Education Conference. "Our commitment to you is, when you give us these students, we will deliver on our promise to get them through.” #cleSTEM2019 pic.twitter.com/DjeiCIwmXt
— Cleveland State University (@CLE_State) June 12, 2019
Shaun Spence from @CMS_Huskies is detailing tons of different uses for @Sphero programming. He shared this fun tweet from his school: https://t.co/yG5HQ58dab #cleSTEM2019 pic.twitter.com/iBbKq47l4S
— OSLN (@OSLN) June 12, 2019
Amy Vazquez and Nancy Schaefer from @Dayton_STEM say "authenticity" is critical to effective problem based learning. Here's their guide on 4 ways to create it. #cleSTEM2019 pic.twitter.com/jzwFy81SKT
— OSLN (@OSLN) June 12, 2019
“We can Pinterest STEM…but there are deeper platforms and strategies to further facilitate students and develop critical thinkers through active curriculum.”@autum_barry @PLTWorg #cleSTEM2019 pic.twitter.com/YC1YbZmntR
— OSLN (@OSLN) June 12, 2019
Creating Battle Bots! #cleSTEM2019 pic.twitter.com/c76n0v2eJb
— Greenbriar Middle School (@GB_Yeoman) June 12, 2019
Always learning. #cleSTEM2019 pic.twitter.com/kDCe7wbvu6
— Kim Kauffman (@CoachKMidview) June 12, 2019
Had a lot of fun representing @CMS_Huskies by presenting at my alma mater at the @CSUSTEM conference. Got teachers playing with a variety of @SpheroEdu activities! #STEM #cleSTEM2019 pic.twitter.com/t3C5vl80Zl
— Shaun Spence (@shaun_w_spence) June 12, 2019
Love the energy and passion of these educators at the STEM Education Conference! Learning to code with Rosie’s Runtime!#cleSTEM2019 @STEMMCSU #PLTW pic.twitter.com/daOpSeicjs
— Autum Barry (@autum_barry) June 12, 2019
Jason Labovitz brought "pixel puzzles" to @NRCSRangers to liven up morning meetings. "Students were just on their phones or talking…this was a way we could come together" #cleSTEM2019 pic.twitter.com/u5NE6Eon5f
— OSLN (@OSLN) June 12, 2019
Toys aren't just for playing anymore. Bob Claymier of STEM is Elementary instructs teachers on how to use robotics and building sets to instruct students. #cleSTEM2019 pic.twitter.com/E3DgIeWQiY
— OSLN (@OSLN) June 12, 2019
Great to see you in Cleveland @Mlg5791 Looking forward to working with in the near future! Wish you were here @lindsayanngold ! #cleSTEM2019 #southdalesteam https://t.co/X4NOmazJ6F
— Kettering STEAM (@KetteringSTEAM) June 12, 2019
Amanda (@msomaratech) from @biomedacademy showed her attendees how to create their own virtual tour. Then, she kicked them out of the room! "Go find something more interesting than this room" #cleSTEM2019 pic.twitter.com/3JSxUVRscA
— OSLN (@OSLN) June 12, 2019
Don't overcomplicate. “Just 3D printing things that have already been designed can inspire student to get excited for about the design process.” Ilona Jurewicz, teacher for @CLEMetroSchools, from the session "Build a Race Car Faster than a Pit Crew" #cleSTEM2019 pic.twitter.com/PrpwZyYCbe
— OSLN (@OSLN) June 12, 2019
Programmed a Tele drone using Rasberry Pi and Python. What a fun session! #cleSTEM2019 #watchyourhead thanks @fractilesuar! @lakecatholic pic.twitter.com/Nv3DA1hxIV
— Dr. Richard M. Smith (@drsmith_edtech) June 12, 2019
So proud to have been a part of this! It’s obvious that @StartSOLE is really taking off because today’s session had 99 of these teachers in attendance! It was a full house!#cleSTEM2019 #LetLearningHappen #SOLEambasador https://t.co/wKed5m29H5
— Brandi Goodwin (@BGoodArtnGift) June 12, 2019
More than 200 teachers and STEM professionals from across Ohio are @CLE_State @wolsteincenter today and tomorrow for the 12th annual STEM Education Conference, sponsored by @Nordson_Corp and @OSLN. Be sure to check out this photo gallery from Day 1 of #cleSTEM2019 pic.twitter.com/OsGPc60ey7
— CSU College of Ed (@CSUCollegeofEd) June 12, 2019
Day 2 of phenomenal STEM learning! Let’s do it! Some great learning lines-up for today. Thanks to all of the organizers! #cleSTEM2019 pic.twitter.com/hdUtaFoOzP
— Dr. Richard M. Smith (@drsmith_edtech) June 13, 2019
Becky (@ms_stanek) from @Kimpton_SMF is showing off a suite of VR equipment/tools. "How do you afford this?" Local grants. For her school, @GARFoundation was key. #cleSTEM2019 pic.twitter.com/nU8ZGrVv0F
— OSLN (@OSLN) June 13, 2019
@ms_stanek knocking her presentation on #VR out of the park! Huge attendance! “Dive in, give it a try, don’t be afraid!”. #cleSTEM2019 pic.twitter.com/CHnbDpDbx3
— Sarah Rivera✨ (@SarahRiveraSTEM) June 13, 2019
"So many people say 'They're not going to be able to use this with older kids' but here's the Pythagorean theorem in an @Ozobot lesson plan" Cindy Giulivofrom @CLE_State #cleSTEM2019 @diceymink pic.twitter.com/Tg43wn2ZS9
— OSLN (@OSLN) June 13, 2019
Playing/learning/coding we may still have some debugging to do! #CSforOH #cleSTEM2019 pic.twitter.com/5TWrZNPsiQ
— Kelly Gaier Evans (@kellymgaier) June 13, 2019
“You just have to look at your building and look at what you have and don’t be afraid to dream a little bit.” @BishopFlaget teachers explains how their school took a "scary hallway" and transformed it into a great makerspace. #cleSTEM2019 pic.twitter.com/eksUON4Up9
— OSLN (@OSLN) June 13, 2019
Plun Physics STEM Egg drop activity @FPSchools @gcodney @laurenscotta #cleSTEM2019 #nailedit #boing 🥚🥚 pic.twitter.com/0NTRGGDp99
— Mrs. Lamb (@MrsLamb12) June 13, 2019
Packed session! One value of design challenges like #STEMfeedsOhio: "It brings students together. It even exposes them to content above of their grade band" says Amy Makruski @AMakruski with her team from St. Joseph Parish School #cleSTEM2019 pic.twitter.com/nlic3CvI0s
— OSLN (@OSLN) June 13, 2019
Thanks to Mary Mullins, Kristin Kermes Angie Eads for presenting with her and adding the teacher perspective to share all @SJSAmherst learned #cleSTEM2019 pic.twitter.com/nCfNT5Nvxg
— OSLN (@OSLN) June 13, 2019
Amazing 2 Day STEM: NASA, our astronauts are safe and we are coding a mood sensor! #Gateway #cleSTEM2019 pic.twitter.com/f3X1QoNuVY
— Cathy Brady (@cjbrady4) June 13, 2019
"I entered @bgsu to be a 4th grade teacher and left as a metrologist. One of things I've learned over the Girls In STEM project is to convince kids not to be afraid to change their minds." @BetsyKling from @wkyc #cleSTEM2019 pic.twitter.com/li9j2j3WK9
— OSLN (@OSLN) June 13, 2019
"Everyday (as a metrologist), I do a puzzle. I take the pieces out, put them together, and that's the forecast." @BetsyKling from @wkyc #cleSTEM2019 pic.twitter.com/LpRnF91MX9
— OSLN (@OSLN) June 13, 2019
.@BetsyKling offers some tips for school visits. 1) Most important: For school visits, be sure to focus on a specific question *and* lay the groundwork with some basic lessons 2) 30-60 minutes max 3) Consider targeting a week for a visit with a flexible schedule #cleSTEM2019
— OSLN (@OSLN) June 13, 2019
Thank You @BetsyKling for speaking this afternoon @CLE_State with more than 200 teachers and STEM professionals from across Ohio at the 2019 STEM Education Conference!#cleSTEM2019 @STEMMCSU @wkyc #CLEstate @OSLN pic.twitter.com/zZDwKolhU0
— CSU College of Ed (@CSUCollegeofEd) June 13, 2019
It was an honor to be the keynote speaker at today's 2019 STEM Education Conference. More than 200 teachers from all over #ohio dedicated to sparking innovation and encouraging success. Thanks @cle_state @stemmcsu for hosting. #cleSTEM2019 @wkyc #meteoro… https://t.co/9RyE8JuAab pic.twitter.com/4egQfV66EG
— Betsy Kling 🌤️ (@BetsyKling) June 13, 2019
Awesome keynote @BetsyKling ! And I made it in to the picture! Out standing😂. Seriously a fabulous conference! Thanks @cle_state @stemmcsu #cleSTEM2019 https://t.co/zIc58WjUxQ
— Nora Lopez (@Mamalo68) June 13, 2019
We proudly award Candace Hisey, innovative teacher at @biomedacademy, with 2019 STEM Teacher of the Year Award. #cleSTEM2019 pic.twitter.com/nNuee6l9dN
— OSLN (@OSLN) June 13, 2019
And, we're proud to award Dr. Bernetta Harrell-Snell from @STEAMMAcademy the 2019 STEM Advocate of the Year Award @CCS_District @behasn. Congratulations! #cleSTEM2019 pic.twitter.com/UznKyyVztp
— OSLN (@OSLN) June 13, 2019
Winner! Winner! Thanks #cleSTEM2019! pic.twitter.com/TZc3Vp4nZH
— Dr. Richard M. Smith (@drsmith_edtech) June 13, 2019
So cool! Lisa Suarez from @TriCedu shows off her Tello programmed drone. #cleSTEM2019 pic.twitter.com/fWoEnQO8fz
— OSLN (@OSLN) June 13, 2019
Learning how to introduce coding and projects with @makeymakey at #cleSTEM2019. Look out Apps and Innovations class! Put on your thinking caps! #STEMlearmingatitsbest! pic.twitter.com/uOnXTrpgSd
— Dr. Richard M. Smith (@drsmith_edtech) June 13, 2019
The challenges continue: Coding with Raspberry Pi and Tello! #cleSTEM2019 pic.twitter.com/sWsLbmOJau
— Cathy Brady (@cjbrady4) June 13, 2019
“We are not playing, we are problem solving” #cleSTEM2019 #thehill @TammyOleksiw @RoseSmoral 👏🏼👩🏻🔬 pic.twitter.com/GFNa74gHoZ
— Mrs. Dulay (@MrsDulayA11) June 13, 2019
Listening to @BetsyKling discuss her passion for STEM Education and convincing kids not to be afraid to change their minds. @MissSaluanA11 @TammyOleksiw @wkyc #cleSTEM2019 pic.twitter.com/07X7kHGMPg
— Rose Smoral (@RoseSmoral) June 13, 2019
Thanks for an innovative STEM Conference. @OSLN @CSUCollegeofEd @CLE_State @CSUWashkewicz @Nordson_Corp Looking forward to sharing what I learned and bringing colleagues with me next year. #cleSTEM2019 pic.twitter.com/Ie8fUkDOaE
— Kim Kauffman (@CoachKMidview) June 14, 2019
The 2019 STEM Education Conference is over! Thank you to ALL who attended! #cleSTEM2019 @OSLN @CSUCollegeofEd @STEMMCSU pic.twitter.com/4i3aJqywnl
— Debbie Jackson (@debbiekjackson) June 13, 2019