Look back at 2019 Student Solutions Showcase

On May 8th, we got to welcome ninety students from 25 schools to our home at Battelle. Students told us all about their ideas for eliminating hunger and solving other major issues with Ohioans’ access to food.

Today, it’s time to share some of the great photos and video from the event. Below, you’ll find a short video with footage from the event.

YouTube video

We’ve also published an album of 135 photos from the event. Spot students or teachers from your school in these photos? Please tag that school in the photos to help others find their photo.

thumbnail to facebook album

And while our students and teachers take a well deserved break, our team is hard at work securing the topic and partners for our 2020 Ohio Design Challenge. Be sure to subscribe at www.osln.org/sign-up to hear about the announcement of that topic.

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