We are proud to announce Ohio’s new STEM initiative, MakerMinded, is live! MakerMinded is a competition-based program aimed at closing the skills gap and empowering more students to take on STEM, including careers in Advanced Manufacturing.
Schools can sign up for free and choose between hundreds of activities to complete for points. At the end of the year, top-scoring schools will be awarded prizes. Today, you can register your school at oh.makerminded.com, search for STEM activities, and log points for your school when students complete these learning experiences.
Jeff Talbert, Superintendent of Alliance City Schools and an early MakerMinded adopter, said this: “We all know that STEM skills are necessary for our future workforce, but education is about so much more than creating workers. It’s about creating futures. With opportunities from MakerMinded, we’re creating the thinkers, solvers, and doers of tomorrow.”
Tennessee and Kentucky are kicking off their second year with thousands of students signed up and ready to compete within their states. Ohio, MakerMinded is ready for you! Sign up here. The full release from LIFT, which supports MakerMinded, and Battelle, which manages the Ohio STEM Learning Network, is below.