“Literacy is not something you add to an already overcrowded plate; literacy is the plate.” 1
Physicists, chemists and lawyers all use literacy in different ways. How do we prepare students for reading and writing in a range of different careers? College Ready Literacy helps teachers answer this question. The program focuses on disciplinary literacy. Disciplinary literacy is the unique way each discipline uses text to create, disseminate, and evaluate knowledge.
College Ready Literacy is a year-long professional development experience for teachers led by teachers. To date, over 1,000 educators from urban, rural, and suburban schools across seven states have participated.
Battelle Education’s College Ready Literacy program trains and supports teachers to build disciplinary literacy into their courses through the use of the Literacy Design Collaborative (LDC) framework. Teachers collaborate with other teachers in their content areas to create authentic and engaging literacy experiences for their students. Students learn key content through reading, research and writing which is authentic to their discipline. Meanwhile, schools get a common literacy framework designed to engage staff in conversations about school wide improvement of student literacy skills.
Want to learn more? Check out Battelle Education’s College Ready Literacy eBook.
Ready to apply? Click the button below.
All applications need to be submitted online.
Have questions? Email Kelly Gaier Evans.
College Ready Literacy is managed by Battelle Education, Battelle’s non-profit venture in STEM. Battelle Education turns STEM innovations into real-world impact. Learn more at www.BattelleEducation.org.
You may also be interested in College Ready Math, another innovative training offered by Battelle Education.
1Irvin, J., Meltzer, J, and Dukes, M. (2007) Taking the lead on adolescent literacy. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.